Early cancer symptoms that are very important to know?


 Did you know that 70 to 80 percent of people ignore important signs of cancer?

 Cancer manifests itself in a variety of symptoms that are often overlooked.

 But it is very important that you know about your body and consult a doctor about the abnormal changes listed below.

Skin changes

A new mark on the skin or a change in its texture or color can be a sign of skin cancer. If this is the case, go to a doctor and have the skin checked to see if it has cancer.

Cough all the time

If you do not smoke, chances are that a persistent cough is a sign of cancer, often due to asthma, gastric acidity or an infection, but if it does not go away in a few days or the cough  Seek immediate medical attention, especially if you smoke.


If you have bloating or gas, it may be the result of diet or stress, but if it does not improve or you have fatigue, weight loss or back pain, it should be checked.  , Especially women because it can be a sign of cancer.

Problems during urination

 With age, most men have difficulty urinating, such as excessive washing in the washroom, slipping out of clothes or other things, usually a bladder disorder but it can also be a bladder cancer that  Only a doctor can tell after the test.

 Blisters or pain in the mouth

 If the blisters in the mouth go away, it is not a problem and the toothache is not a cause for concern, but when the blisters do not go away or the pain persists, white or red marks appear on the gums or tongue or near the jaws.  Swelling or numbness can be a sign of oral cancer, especially in men who smoke or have a higher risk of developing cancer.  In case of these symptoms, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Bleeding in the waste

If blood is seen in the washroom during bowel movements, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, who may be a sign of another disease, but there is also a possibility of bowel cancer. Bleeding in the urine  K infection can be a problem, but it is also a sign of kidney or bladder cancer.

Stomach pain or nausea

If you have persistent stomach pain or nausea all the time, it may be a sign of esophageal cancer, but it can also be a sign of cancer of the blood and bladder.

 Difficulty swallowing things

Colds, stomach acid or medication can make it difficult to swallow, but a doctor should be consulted if the condition does not improve over time or with medication.  Difficulty swallowing can be a sign of throat cancer or it can be cancer of the ducts between the mouth and stomach.

 Frequent fever or infection

If you are healthy but still have a frequent fever, this may be an early sign of leukemia, which can lead to a significant increase in the number of white blood cells in the body at the onset of the cancer, which can help fight infection.  The ability of is affected.

 Weight loss

 Of course everyone wants to lose weight for which diet or exercise is preferred, but when this happens without any effort and reason, especially if you lose 10 pounds, it is not a normal thing.  There is a possibility that this may be the first sign of pancreatic, gastrointestinal or lung cancer.

 Persistent fatigue

Everyone experiences a lack of physical energy at some point, but if this happens daily for a month, shortness of breath that has never occurred before can be a wake-up call, blood cancer can lead to fatigue all the time.  Often, cancer does not occur, but a doctor should be consulted, as it may be a sign of another disease.

 Too much itching

Consult a doctor if your body develops rashes all the time as a result of caries, especially in areas where it is not common, such as hands or fingers, etc. This is usually a sign of leukemia.  Shows.

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